Keepers Cup 2020

Entries for the 2020 Keepers Cup are now being accepted!

Competition season has been a little rough this year due to the pandemic, but that's not going to keep The Keepers of Craft down.  All members through the 2020 calendar year are eligible to sign up for the competition, and for a chance to win the Keepers Cup!  If you aren't currently a member you can still sign up!

The competition will be a "brew your best beer" competition.  One entry per member will be accepted, and 4 bottles per member of that single beer will be required.  No ciders or mead will be accepted for this competition.  Beers will be judged by BJCP judges and professional brewers to the 2015 BJCP standards, highest score wins!

Entries will be accepted through Friday, November 13th.  The awards ceremony will take place at the December meeting.

Good luck!